April Kyle, President and CEO of the Southcentral Foundation in Alaska shares how she and her team transformed their healthcare system by driving innovation and results through a community-first, relationship-based, wellness-centered approach. 

Throughout the interview, April talked about the importance of letting community guide the direction, and innovating based on what they are saying. She also told us one of the first steps to taking this approach is simply deciding that community matters. 

Once you put community and relationships at the heart of the work, the direction of what is needed is more clear. 

Check out this amazing interview to hear more about how the Southcentral Foundation – a past Baldrige Award winner – is making such an incredible impact for those they serve and how they’re helping other systems replicate the system.

Learn more about the Nuka System of Care: https://scfnuka.com

Connect with April Kyle: https://www.linkedin.com/in/april-kyle/ 

Topical time codes:

00:44 – Why relationship matters & about the Nuke system

2:50 – Concepts translate to other health systems, too

5:04 – Learning from the community

8:06 – How the community lets you know you’re getting it right

11:55 – How leaders can stand in the gap to allow innovation

15:00 – Proactive, relationship-based, wellness-centered healthcare

18:22 – Deciding that community matters 

You can also listen to the interview in podcast form:

Apple podcast link: 


I Heart podcast link:


Spotify podcast link:

