Category: Making Healthcare Work For You

Hope, Compassion, & Incredible Results: Interview with Mental Health Champion & Expert, Leon Evans Former President of Center for Healthcare Svcs, received the American Psychiatric Assoc. Gold Award, is a CNN Mental Health Warrior

For decades, Leon Evans has been a relentless champion of mental health improvement.

He is the former President of the Center for Healthcare Services, has received the American Psychiatric Assoc. Gold Award, was named a CNN Mental Health Warrior, and has testified before Congress.

Thanks to his innovative, mission-driven, and hope-based, bottom-up approach, Leon has made incredible strides in many areas of mental healthcare.

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Treating Mental Health By Connecting With People and Giving Hope, Dignity and Respect Preview Of Interview With Leon Evans, Past CNN Mental Health Warrior & American Psychiatric Assoc. Gold Award

Leon Evans is a relentless champion of improving mental health.

Thanks to his many accomplishments, he’s a past CNN Mental Health Warrior, and a recipient of the American Psychiatric Association Gold Award.

Leon is mission-driven with a people-first approach, and giving those he works with hope is at the center of it all.

Here Apurv and I share our highlights from our interview with Leon, and the full (can’t miss!) interview will be posted Thursday.

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Role and Benefits of Participatory Medicine for Patients and Providers: Interview with Dr. Danny Sands and Dave deBronka

Since the early 2000s, Dr. Danny Sands and his patient, Dave deBronkart have been working collaboratively on Dave’s care – breaking boundaries of the old standard of care and communication between doctor and patient.

Together they co-founded the Society for Participatory Medicine.

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Improving Prevention, Early Intervention & Access Through Physician-Led Approach: Int w/ Dalia Haroune

Dalia Haroune is the President of Intersect Health. Intersect Health helps healthcare systems improve prevention, early intervention and access to care.

Dalia says Intersect approaches transformational change through a physician-led approach.

She says more than 40% of physicians are burned out, and to make change, it’s imperative to have a clear strategy, physician buy-in, and aligned incentives.

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Improving Prevention, Early Intervention & Access: Addressing Burnout – Pvw of Int w/ Dalia Haroune, President of Intersect Healthcare

Dalia Haroune is the President of Intersect Health. Intersect Health helps healthcare systems improve prevention, early intervention and access to care.

In this short video, Apurv and I talk about our takeaways from the interview with Dalia. She says physician burnout is a starting point to help address the areas Intersect wants to improve.

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