Dr. Dalila Lewis has been blazing a trail of positivity, change, and hope since joining the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital as Division Chief of Pediatric Neurology. 

When she took the lead at MUSC in August 2020, patients were facing  8-9 month long waits to see a provider, often meeting a new doctor at each appointment due to the medical team’s high-turnover and lack of staff. 

In well under a year, she has made tremendous strides for her patients and her team. Thanks to her hands-on leadership style, her willingness to challenge the status quo, and strong support from the hospital’s administrative leadership, patients are now able to get appointments within a few weeks, they’re able to see the same doctors at their visits, and her team has expanded, reducing burnout and turn over. 

Check out the Speaking Of, Making Healthcare Work for You interview with Dr. Lewis to hear the details about her philosophy to patient care – which includes a lot of listening, empathy, and hope – her leadership style, and her personal experience of being the mom of patient (her daughter was a preemie).

Topical time codes are below:

Learn more about Dr. Dalila Lewis: https://muschealth.org/blog/2020/december/dalila-lewis 

Learn more about the MUSC Children’s Health: https://musckids.org

Connect with MUSC Kids on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MUSCkids 

See more of Speaking Of, Making Healthcare Work for You:


Topical time codes:

1:17 – Quickly making a difference, supportive leadership, common vision 

3:15 – Getting to the root of systematic challenges

4:50 – Being the 1st woman of color to lead the division & joining a team where diversity is valued

7:09 – How to make dramatic change 

9:16 – Empowering advanced-practice providers to work at the top of their skill level

12:18 – Improving access as a top priority

13:55 – Military background and its impact on leadership

16:02 – Leadership journey 

17:44 – Value of professional society memberships and mentors

19:59 – Caring for patients – listening, providing hope, & treating them as people instead of patients

21:46 – Teaching residents – importance of documentation and treating patients with care

23:10 – Importance of written documentation for the patient families

24:38 – How being mom of a premature baby impacts her patient care style, & the importance of empathy and hope


AiRCare Health is a sponsor of the Speaking Of, Making Healthcare Work show. 

The Making Healthcare Work for You mission, interviews, and other content is not influenced or directed by any supporter.

About AiRCare Health:

We envision a world where the emotional and mental wellbeing of individuals is seen as the most important component of overall health. No individual will suffer in silence and every human being will receive the emotional tools and support they need to thrive.