We had an awesome conversation with Marvin Musick, Co-founder and Chief Educator at Medicareschool.com. 

After building a career as a pastor, Marvin shifted gears to the world of insurance. He became passionate about learning the ins-and-outs of Medicare and educating his massive audience in an unbiased and no-pressure way. 

With the average consumer being exposed to 45 Advantage plans in their zip code, and with Medicare-eligible people being the 2nd largest group of people holding medical debt, getting the right information is paramount. 

In our interview, Marvin told us about how to determine when it’s the best time to enroll in Medicare, factors to consider, and the critical reasons to make sure you’re enrolling in the right type of plan for your situation. 

Marvin shares information about the considerations around choosing a Medicare plan, and why making sure you choose the right plan for your situation is crucial. 

Connect with Marvin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marvin-musick-663153b4/ 

Learn more about Medicare School: MedicareSchool.com 

Medicare School on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/medicareschool-com/

Medicare School on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedicareSchoolUSA 

Topical time codes:

1:11 – What people should know about Medicare – timing

2:48 – Deferring Medicare

3:52 – Differences between Medicare and employer plans

5:48 – Medicare A&B vs Advantage and Supplemental plans 

7:19 – How A&B plans work vs how Supplemental and Advantage plans work

8:26 – Plan G to cover Medicare B deductible 

9:22 – Prescription coverage 

11:06 – Helping people navigate the Medicare enrollment & decisions 

13:35 – When to start looking into plans before you enroll in Medicare 

15:46 – Pastoring to Insurance and Medicare 

18:55 – Building a relationship with those they serve, ongoing support

20:40 – The “Why” behind the mission 

You can also listen to the interview in podcast form:

Apple podcast link: 


I Heart podcast link:


Spotify podcast link:
